lunedì 20 dicembre 2010


Hello girls today I would say two things about the sunglasses..I love big glasses (a little 'as the earrings) on how you can see in the picture..and most are vintage are more beautiful in my opinion these..I'm wearing, just think 'are my grandmother's 40 years away..who knows..maybe 50 or unfortunately bringing contact lenses I struggle to find glasses that do not give me eye discomfort = (..I still occasionally I put them :D

venerdì 17 dicembre 2010

PhOtO mOdEl

 Hello to all girls..this is one of the photos that I have done for the timing of the designer Antonio be honest..I'm not one hundred percent satisfied,but his eyes came really well :D


giovedì 16 dicembre 2010

EaRrInGs LoVe.

 Hello I'm going to talk about..earrings..:D As you can see from the photos..I love them all..I have almost 90 pairs of earrings..from the smallest to the largest and eccentric..yes..because I love those details and flashy.. just as they appear in the picture...and maybe a little heavy I am, but nothing so serious..I bought them in a shop behind my run by an Indian and sells earrings really nice..:D now I'm looking for a couple to drop..where these drops down to the pyramid on the contrary..uhm..I found a picture here..this is the Karen Freddie's sister in Skins..she gave them to pink, teal, but I would like you..what do you think? are beautiful right?

mercoledì 15 dicembre 2010

On Top Of The City

Blouse -> Pull and Bear
Sweater -> Bershka
Shoes -> Bershka
Lipstick -> Maybelline New York
Enamel -> Chanel

martedì 14 dicembre 2010

The past..

I look like a woman in these photos from the past .. is not it?


Così tra questa immensità s'annega
il pensier mio:
e il naufragar m'e dolce in questo mare..

Lipstick -> Maybelline New York
Blouse -> Pull and Bear 


domenica 5 dicembre 2010



Adoro i rossetti di questa marca
come il rosso che indosso in questa foto
La modella che più ho amato nella loro pubblicità?
Ma indubbiamente Josie Maran.
I love this brand of lipstick like 
red I'm wearing in this photo
The model that I loved most in their advertising? 
But undoubtedly Josie Maran.